Groundwater investigation
Water development, detection of water pathways in landfill bodies
In hydrogeological investigations for groundwater development and groundwater contamination, geoelectrical methods offer great possibilities.
Locations and depths of water pathways can be mapped and it is possible to outline the extension of contamination plumes and phase bodies.
Geoelectrical measuring profiles are usually oriented in a rather vertical direction to the presumed course of the water pathways. The scope of examinations can be limited to a few individual profiles or can be carried out over a wide area.
After completion of the measurements, the data are evaluated and displayed as two or three dimensional images of the subsoil situation, depending on the measuring method and the aim of the investigation. Particularly clear test results can be obtained in fissure water aquifers and channel structures.
As with all geological questions dealt with geophysically, all available geological information such as geological context, drilling results and a geological mapping or assessment are very helpful. Without this additional information, results from a geophysical investigation will be limited. In contrast, very detailed resuls can be achieved throughout a combination of geological and geoelectrical investigations.
In numerous projects for groundwater development and for a spatial deliniation of groundwater contaminations we successfully applied geoelectrical methods.